Tsvetelina Mihaylova in Manager magazine special edition: The woman is

"Being a woman in a leadership role in the insurance industry today is an extremely responsible task, filled with daily challenges and difficult cases to solve." - said Tsvetelina Mihailova, CEO of Axiom Insurance Company in the special edition of Manager magazine: The woman is

You can read in Bulgarian language the full text of the interview here

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When should I take out Medical Insurance for foreigners in Bulgaria?

When entering or transiting through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, it is necessary to have Medical Insurance for foreigners.

What type of buildings can be insured under Home Property Insurance?

Apartments, houses, other buildings and structures of a special type such as garages, barns, fences, etc. may be insured.

I shall be traveling abroad for planned medical treatment. Will Travel Insurance policy cover my medical expenses?

This is one of the exclusions under Travel Insurance and these medical expenses will not be covered. The insurance does not cover medical expenses incurred for the purpose of planned treatment, as well as does not include the treatment expenses for any pre-existing condition or illness.

What are the Home Insurance Property Coverages?

A standard policy usually provides coverage against major risks as fire, natural disasters, floods, storms, hail. Additionally, upon your request, coverage against risks such as earthquake, theft, malicious acts of third parties and etc. may be included.

I ‘m covered under health insurance plan. I have to be hospitalized for treatment. Do I need to inform you in advance?

In case you are going to be hospitalized, you do not need to get confirmation from the Insurer. If you need assistance, we are ready to help you in the coordination with the chosen by you medical facility on 0700 400 99 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on working days.